xav on me being kind in conflict

“It’s fun to be wrong, especially if the person taking you down does so professionally on a nice practice mat, instead of ANNIHILATING you and then spitting on you and inviting all his friends to laugh at you.

One thing I really like about Visa (no I’m not sucking his cock here, though it seems like it – but really, I’m not ^^), is that although I have exposed myself as a pretentious douche countless times, nitpicking at RIDICULOUS things because my mind just works at taking apart things constantly (though I’m actually a positive guy – really), he has never once responded in kind to me.

Never. Not once. It actually made me feel worse than if he turned around and called me a faggot, told me to such a flaming dick and die, because I HAD to confront my own ego bullshit as to why I’m aggressing on someone who doesn’t even return it. It’s like a glitch in the Matrix – ‘something doesn’t feel right bro – let’s explore what’s going on’. I then realize than I’m actually projecting my own nonsense on OTHER people, and that it doesn’t really exist in reality. Really interesting to think about. And such realizations never end.

Which is good.”