My humble advice to anybody who starts to fall for your friends- Never, EVER “confess your love” to them.It’s a terrible idea with a ridiculously low success rate that’s highly misrepresented by romantic idealism. It puts them in a very difficult, uncomfortable and very awkward spot.
It is SO much better for everybody if you learn to be subtle. Send little signals. (Spend time with them alone, make little bits of physical contact) Allow them to gradually sense and feel a change in the dynamics of your relationship, and see if they get comfortable with it enough play along. If they don’t like it, the worst that could happen is that they might confront you about it- in which case you could claim that nothing’s changed and that you’re just going through a phase or something (a little white lie that allows everyone to breathe easier- that’s what friends do!) If they like it, score for you! And them!
People are uncomfortable with sudden change. It’s quite likely that she might grow to love you too (in that way) if you give her time to adjust her preconceptions about the relationship and to slowly get warmed up and comfortable to the idea. But if you “confess” your love to her, alarm bells will ring in her head and scream at her to evacuate the situation immediately. That’s bad, regardless of your desired outcome.