don’t be a sucker
(original title: Occupy Wall Street: What do you do when the odds are stacked against you?) Wall St shouldn’t be screwin
On productivity, evolution and conversations
I often pay lipservice to productivity, and I’ll be the first one to acknowledge it. It’s mostly in an attempt to
Pragmatism or Idealism? Help people physically, or protest for a cause?
At the most basic level, I value people who get off their ass and DO something more than people who aren’t doing anythin
Dealing with depression, in yourself or in others
I’m always a little suspicious of the “do whatever works” argument, because sometimes what works only works
do you doubt yourself, and if so, why do anything?
I delayed starting my blog, I often left thoughts unexplored and unwritten because I felt like there couldn’t possibly b
Idiot Tax: How much do you pay?
Idiot Tax! That’s what they call the lottery- the tax you pay for being an idiot, because the odds are so heavily agains
“Why do you love me?”
Individuals are far too vast to be reduced to a few factors- we feel more than we can know, and we know more than we can expre
What do you do if you are a self-fulfilling prophet?
What is the pragmatic course of action to take when you are aware that your prediction about the future (to simplify it) is go
Can the Self be localized in the brain?
When you say “all of the self can be localised in the brain”, i’m interested in what you mean by “loca
you can never completely know yourself.
It’s never possible to throw up a bunch of measurable or quantifiable elements and equate them to ‘the Self’
Hacking Delayed Gratification: The Tomorrow-Self
I was never one to deny myself pleasure. I’d eat McDonald’s whenever I could. I was a binger. I’d finish ent
On staying awake and giving a damn.
I used to be able to stay awake in secondary school, at least most of the time. There were moments where I’d drift into
The 3 Practical Things We Need To Teach Our Kids
We need to teach kids Operacy- that is, how to function effectively, how to operate as a human being. Bodily functions are rar
ranks and accomplishments in the military, video games, and everywhere else
Militaries are interesting. If I didn’t find so many other things interesting as well, I’d seriously consider a military c
20 Weeks Left: What I’m going to do when it’s over!
There was a disruption in my 90 Week Project, and I haven’t been updating the blog aspect of it since about week 53. BMT