conversations on systems

on a unrelated note
i really am pretty damn exhilarated about my systems thingy

i kinda get your general gist,
but it’s stil a tad confusing for me to understand completely what you’re trying to say

i know

it will take me time to get to the stage where i can communicate it effectively
but essentially it is easy to understand because it is very analagous to all complex systems
i hope to do justice to what i’m defining as a personal system
i share my own and encourage other people to visualise theirs
and point out how the network of relationships between elements work

i think it’s the sort of thing

and how by identifying core/key nodes you can control the entire system

better conveyed through a conversation/video than a infographic chart
you could try vlogging, idk

i’m going to make it part of a series
and then make specific posts at varying depths
imagine you’re talking about a city instead
how a city is made up of relationships
a man, his friends, his family, his job, his coffeeshop, his pub, his club, his music scene, his government, etc
that’s one man
if you take all those many men
and chart all their stories simultaneously
you have a picture of a living breathing organism that is a city
now if you change “man” to “neuron”, you have a picture of consciousness
if you change neuron to atom, you have a picture of physics
i’m interested in the study of such pictures
rather than any individual picture itself
(though it helps to get down and dirty with a few different ones)
and a thorough understanding of how these systems look, work, operate- will benefit anybody working in any system (which everyone is, in some way) to understand how they can manage their role and leverage it to affect an entire system
it’s staggeringly ambitious because it is so big and so small at the same time, it works at every level in every context
you could then take this knowledge and apply it to managing your life, or your business, or a music scene, or a nation… systems management. it’s gonna be a thing

i’ve actually heard this theory before
in city harvest church

it isn’t a new idea
it’s just never really been put across effectively, i feel
it’s always done within a system
like a top business leader wil describe it
a top religious leader will describe it

micro instead of macro?

but rarely do people talk about how it goes across all fields

no, in the context of city harvest church
the theory was floated the same you you propose it

yeah, once yu master a context, you realise how THAT system work

that system structures are consistent
across multiple fields,
religious, business, political, economic

academic, biologic


that’s what people like einstein mean when they say it’s far more incredible that the universe is consistent than that it isn’t, that it can be measured rather than not
i have been staring at plants and trees a lot lately because i’m starting to see the mathematical expression in them
i don’t mean to think that plants know maths- rather, through trial and error they begin to tend towards a mathematically ideal distribution
the same for businesses, religion, everything
my perspective is that an understanding of this would allow us to skip a lot of the error in trial and error
and would accelerate human progress
so that’s what i want my life’s work to be focusd on

how do you plan to go about doing that?
is there the academic support available?

no solid university teaches this
there are a few in obscure ones
because.. the scope is really too massive lol

no, be smart

i’m still working on my plan

you don’t need to personally study every system

of course
i plan to facilitate this rather than do it on my own

what you need to do is dedicate yourself to one field and then commission a study team of researchers

actually if i do go uni i’ll probably do something like literature or design
because the main skill i need
is expression and/or design, literaly

is to communicate

how to get stuff across
urban planning is very similar
even biology or neuroscience
i could do any of those things and distil out stuff that is relevant, because what i’m building is a framework
and everything fits into it
so it’s more useful to learn how to communicate it well
i think graphic design is a huge factor

it is,
but i feel your ideas would be better communicated in a more mainstream medium

i plan to write books and beome a world-famous blogger
i don’t think of that as me trying to be some big fuck
i see these ideas in a lot of books by awesome people
and i feel privileged to notice them

don’t take this the wrong way but that’s awfully small-scale

and i feel obliged to share
books and blogs small scale? what’s bigger

consider the media of communication nowadays
what is the most effective medium of communication you see around you?

that is a very complicated question lol
word of mouth

sorry, let me rephrase
effective and efficient, using scale and reach as criteria

effective and efficient at the moment are not synonymous
if you want to reach many people you cannot go deep
my long term plan is to build a global network in a project i call army of heroes

jokingly lah


yes seriously
n_n is like a baby step
the idea is to create communities that go on to create other communities
as part of a vast ultra network of …
like CHC cell groups lah

i knew that was coming

well my idea seemed a lot me grand until i realised pastor kong did it first

jesus did it first

well jesus is col

you see the flaw in that plan thoguh?

i have to… die?

not to be a cynic, i mean

hit me

something that massive inevitably gets corrupted and distorted, and it’s hard to manage and govern it while keeping it centred around its prime directive

pretty much yeah
starting small
will figure it out along the way
that’s why i specifically seek out peple like you to keep me in check
i mean i love you as a friend and brother, without it, and even more for it
you know what i mean

(incidentally this is what i was talking about with books and blogs being small scale, religion/philosophical movements, thats what were talking about)
the blogger is the new god leh

here comes the l word

tim ferris, seth godin
i plan to reach their level and befriend them
i don’t disagree

i mean when i say plan it’s just a rough idea la open to change

with the influence of the blogger, but imho they only directly impact a select group of people

and any further dissemination of their message is beyond their control

but see the head fake people do
tim: hack your body… then become awesome
neil: get girls… then become awesome
seth: be a business guru… then become awesome
or rather, their philsophical value is hidden under an outward agenda
i don’t think its a real agenda lah

sort of
but you already know that

can’t really isolate any thing

more of a common consensus
what i want
is for people to see it, and see the value across all 3, for example
and get everyone to be everything, in a way
(although… yeah i see the flaw)
dunno lah. a lot to think about. for now i am still focusing on my personal journey

chc’s philosophy was much the same
it was the whole agenda behind the sun ho project actually

the problem with chc i feel is that it’s a bit too militant and people inside don’t really go outside
my idea is that you are supposed to spend less than 20% of your time with me
bit too militant is like saying milfs are too sexy

times are changing
people prefer subtle to overt

“my fundamental philosophy will be that you are supposed to spend less than 20% of your time with me”
same as chc again

even less then
i dunno

to break it down simply
chc’s fundamental philosophy was that people would come to church on sunday
and then for the remaining 6 days of the week they’d go out as agents of change in a sort of viral reproduction system

but everything eventually pools back in, right? my focus is that everything should keep spreading out without looking back in
ideally, break off and do your own thing
find your own reasons, purpose, agenda, and go do it

the plan was to empower individuals to rise to the top of their industry and then from there further engineer the distribution of change
well breaking off and doing their own things

but still ultimately contributing to the church, right? i don’t want that

not really,
think instead
of pulling people in,
pushing the church out

well it’s a formula that works and i have no shame in emulating it LOL

emulate but study the flaws
i personally feel the only flaw is the product, not the sales mechanism
well i mean i exaggerate
you are very much the product

it can surely be improved

at this point

no leh
the product is the central organism of human knowledge and the idea is to get people to contriute to it
so it’s broader than religion


but i know what you mean
ok i gotta run sorry catch ya later

but in order to sell people on that concept you must first get yourself into
a position of influence
