Smoke-Free, Day Two

Yes, I’m still going strong! Today my nervous system doesn’t feel as wonky, but I have got new problems- my respiratory and digestive systems. My nose and throat are behaving as if I’ve been hit by a round of the flu- my head is heavy and numb, and I’ve been coughing and sneezing all day. Clearly, my lungs are not used to non-smoking. My stomach has been pretty confused too, and I’ve been passing a lot of gas both ways. (Not very pleasant.)

If I can talk about my feelings- I feel rather angry and upset with my body for behaving the way it is. I mean, essentially-speaking, my body is a spoilt brat that’s only well-behaved when supplied with nicotine. This will not do. I am not cool with this.

I met my friends earlier, and they smoked twice- and (I’m very proud of this) on both occasions I was able to join them as they stepped outside without making the slightest attempt to bum a cigarette. I even declined when offered, and was able to do it without any guilt, indecisiveness or generally pathetic addict behaviour.

Physically, I feel like crap on the surface- but I know that it will sort itself out, and I can already sense the lightness I’m going to feel in time to come. Psychologically, I am a beast. I cannot be moved. I will see this mission through to completion through hell and high water.  That is the standard of excellence that I intend to uphold.