conversation: phase-cycling

increased sleep
as in
i’m not sleeping right now, obviously
but experimenting with it
feel physically a bit tired but mentally damn alert
i think there is universal wisdom in phase-cycling
of all things
think about it it’s written in nature
elipses are far more common than circles
mating seasons, the tides, etc

i’m not sure what you mean by that
do you mean the phases by which we live?

and act
makes sense to be done in cycled phases
over extended periods of time
it doesn’t make sense to do anything consistently
we’re not designed to be that way, i think
we’ve conditioned ourselves, largel
but for the most part, things happen in ebbs and flows

hmm…this warrants much thought

applied to say, creativity
makes sense to cycle
working out
makes sense to cycle
makes sense to cycle
consistent anything makes you not get the most out of it
in a way we thrive on a sense of acceleration and momentum
i don’t know whether it’s universal, or mostly derived from seasonal adaptations that are unique to earth
i suppose women are a bit more intuitively in tune with this than us but i’m pretty sure it still applies
economic growth happens in cycles
bodybuilders bulk and cut in cycles
mcdonalds marketing ploys come and go in cycles

interesting point of view
i sense you might have been considering this for awhile

observation rather than pov
i suppose i must have been even if i dont’ realise it lol

im just rolling this over in my head right now

not hard to do
fashion happens in cycles
trends, memes, music ideas, bands
i’m sure there is something we can all learn and apply from the general state of nature that is rise and fall, crest and trough
makes more sense to learn from it and go with the flow and adapt it to our lives than to resist it
successful people know this
aka blizzard
whether they realise they know it or not, lol
musicians intuitively know this in the dynamics of their performance
so do storytellers, moviemakers
ok storytellers sums up a lot
and there is always much to be learnt from storytelling because so much of the human condition is directly intertwined with narrative