a spot of difficulty
If I were feeling what I were feeling right now a year or two ago, I would be feeling very melancholic and existentialist righ
you fucking shameless blackmailing cunts, WHY am I obligated to do this for you?! aiyoh. never mind. suck thumb. do only. tsk.
snippets of my life
I’m an ordinary guy. I found school to be generally boring and uninspiring, so I almost never did any homework, often cu
snippets of memoirs
I’m an ordinary guy. I found school to be generally boring and uninspiring, so I almost never did any homework, often cu
finding non-directed purpose – from mediocrity to excellence
Okay let’s have some stream-of-consciousness style thinking and writing going on here. Our conventional ideas about idea
@Lord_Voldemort7 vs @perezhilton
“I received a large number of response to a tweet I wrote about @perezhilton. My comment, for those that did not see it
After almost 3 years, I am proud to say that I am finally well and truly over it/her/that! Feels so good.
I am so sexually frustrated it’s really not even funny any more.
I still fuck up all the time
I’m not sure if there’s any difference in the amount of times I’m fucking up, or with the severity of these
Self-Assessment: goals, routines, habits and hesitation
Time for a bit of introspective reflection and philosophical spring cleaning! Online Productivity: I’ve gotten a Grooves