tell me

Tell me about the first time you fell in love. It doesn’t have to be the traditional sort of romance; it could be a friendship, an experience, a passion- the first time you consciously were overwhelmed by an urge to commit your time and energy into a relationship to express how strongly you felt about something. You know what I’m talking about- that glorious moment when, despite your best efforts, you were well and completely swept off your feet. Ditch the hindsight, sidestep the wisdom (we get enough of that in our daily lives) and bask in the warmth of the memory of that delicious sensation. Remind all of us just exactly why it’s so awesome to be alive.

5 thoughts on “tell me

  1. scarletyouth

    i was 15, thought it was just another hormonal crush, but looking back.. definitely not. was too young and emotional to take care of the feelings. i was a mess, but i thought it was a beautiful mess. that was the only time.