#02: On routines.

I routinely tell others, and myself, that I detest routines and avoid them at all costs.
(Do you sense the impending irony? :O)

Upon closer examination, I discover that it’s quite the self-sustained charade. I was never really aware of it. How often do we find that the best lies are the ones we tell ourselves?

I do have quite a few routines and stick to them very religiously. Here are some of them-

1: I stand under the shower for about 20 minutes every morning, absolutely oblivious to the fact that I’m awake.

2: I have a smoke at the bus stop to start the day. I realise that I’m in my school uniform, but it’s really dark and nobody really notices apart from the bus stop regulars who I’m really nice to anyway.

3: I sleep in classes and go to tutorials completely unprepared. (It’s such a habit that I actually find it disturbingly fun to try and figure out what’s going on, without a single prior clue. It’s probably the only reason why I’m not failing miserably like I should be doing.)

4: I waste hour after hour online, doing absolutely nothing. I find it really relaxing and I can do this until 3-5am in the morning. I never really figured out why. My latest theory is that it doesn’t involve any physical or mental exertion whatsoever. I figure that this is so because I sleep like a baby when I’ve been playing chess with my friends, or been out cycling. Also, I tend to catch up on my sleep in school.


Are YOU proud of your routines? They seep into your character and eventually define who you are. I’m certainly not proud of most of mine, and so I am planning to replace and refine them. It starts now. I’m not going to talk about it, because I routinely fall into the NATO trap (No Action, Talk Only). But I’ll let you know how it’s going.

I’ve been sitting at the computer for about 2-3 hours now, so I’m off to do my tutorials!
(Do you sense the impending change? :O)

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