feeling good

It’s 11:49 am- the police came to my door again, looking apologetic as ever. My neighbour has a tendency to call the police for the smallest things, and the poor men in blue have to come to talk to us because of protocol. This time, my dad had suggested to my neighbour that he cut down the mango tree because it was leaning against our wall- and he called the police, worried that we were going to cut down his tree.

Turns out the tree doesn’t belong to him either, it belongs to the state. That was rather funny. Also funny was the policeman going “take care brudder!”

I feel really good right now. I went to the gym yesterday after school and I’m starting to see the difference. I’m not in the best shape I’ve ever been, but I’m getting there- and it looks and feels much better.

Which makes me think about delayed gratification. On the bus from school to the interchange, I was very tempted to hop on a bus 10 and enjoy a nap while I get home to maybe play some poker on Facebook. Very, very tempted! I was really lethargic after that Economics tutorial and sleep seemed like the perfect reward.

Somehow or rather I managed to force myself to step out into the sun and walk over to the gym at Tampines Swimming Complex. It’s my new gym of choice now over Bedok’s ClubFITT gym, because it is about 5 times bigger and the equipment is that much more awesome as well. Anyway I decided not to micromanage my fitness schedule yet since it’s a special occasion that I even got into the place- so I just did a little bit of everything.

Now I’m sore all over and I love it! I actually got to bed earlier because I was physically exhausted, and I woke up at the rather earthly hour of 10am- it’s 12:04pm now and usually I’d still be asleep right now if it were a Saturday. I hope I can follow through with what I started and make this a regular habit!

There have only been two things in my life that I have been truly committed to- my ex-girlfriend, and my band. I cannot say the same for my studies, my CCAs, or any of my pursuits- writing, basketball, fitness, modeling, it goes on. I get distracted very easily by immediate gratification.

Does it make sense that an intelligent person would choose immediate gratification over long-term gain? I know what I need to do to be terrific in my music, fitness and career- but I never get down to it because I often rather play poker on Facebook till the wee hours of the morning.

What’s the logic? “We might die tomorrow.” The odds aren’t very likely, though. And every successive day wasted away proves it. “Time you enjoy wasting is time well spent.” I’m not too sure I enjoy it as much anymore, and there are more productive things I enjoy doing. Ignorance was bliss, but when awareness rears its head, returning to ignorance is never an option.


and listening to the parts of the songs that are going to be on our EP? It is the most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my life. It’s almost like becoming a parent- seeing the fruits of your sweat, blood, tears, time, money and sacrifices begin to materialize.

Delayed gratification defeats immediate gratification. No contest.

6 thoughts on “feeling good

  1. slasherflick

    delayed gratification is the only reason i’m studying my butt off right now instead of being out. but then again delayed gratification prevents one from truly living, you’re too caught up in the prospect of the future you fail to slow down and smell the flowers.

    1. visakanv Post author

      i agree completely. naturally speaking I always argue that we should enjoy and appreciate life now instead of worrying too much about everything. But there is a balance to be struck there, isn’t it!