it’s been three days since my last cigarette with adnin and chang- it takes 48 hours for nicotine to completely leave your system, and now i’m feeling the lightheadedness that comes from your body not being used to the changing levels of carbon monoxide and oxygen in the bloodstream.
the cravings were pretty bad last night, i’m lucky i was around the people i’m quitting with or i’d certainly have had a smoke.
i think the chills are going to start coming soon. the nose and throat are already acting up.
i will push on!
it sounds horrible trying to kick off habit of smoking. but g-g-g-g-ooooooo visa! i hope u can make i through. π
Goooo Visa!
You can do it π
Push on, push on my friend.
You can do itttttt :DD
press on
HEY you know, i have absolutely no idea why you’re on my f-list and vice versa (how ah?) but Anyway! re: your comment, i haven’t been for one (a local gig that is) in damn long! x/ but haha kudos to patriotism on the sidelines of ndp. xD and also, -waves. HELLO!friend-who-is-on-my-list-but-i-don’t-know. haha good luck with quittingggg.