so it begins

school has started.

i’ve got alot of plans and stuff but instead of spending time talking about them i’m going to go ahead and do them first

then talk about them when i’m done

hopefully this time it works out

it has to.

9 thoughts on “so it begins

  1. Anonymous

    hey how’s first day?:)hope you kind off settle well.
    your post on the dream girl,i think you do sort of have someone in mind,don’t you?i don’t supposed you’ll date shorter girls then.

    1. visakanv Post author

      Haha thanks, I hope too! It was alright.

      And no, I don’t really have anyone in mind. and I would, really! My ex was very short xD

  2. Anonymous

    same person as the first commenter

    nope the first person who commented is not’s me.