0558 – change your story change your frame
Change your story change your frame A new title a new name A new set a new piece Different hair different teeth A list of sens
0505 – troubleshooting stories, pt 2
A: Where were we? B: We were troubleshooting your first story. It’s about growing up, and how that requires losing your
0285 – can I use a Hero’s Journey narrative like Conan’s or Iron Man’s to motivate myself?
I once played a video game at a friend’s house about Conan The Barbarian. It was similar to God Of War, where you’
0283 – narratives, weirdness, imperfections
Playing with narratives. Narratives are powerful, heady stuff. The brain is supposedly wired to think in narratives rather tha
0141 – Pick the right narratives
This was written in April 2014 or so. I went for remedial training yesterday. I had to do it because I missed my IPPT, and now