
The point of this post is like the ref post on /blog/. A sort of workspace to process things.

letter to young songwriter

0714 – consider the speedrunners – Mr Lllama diablo

0152 – Letter To A Young Songwriter

review your stuff threadpost

sleep threadpost

addiction threadpost

“Why bother doing your work when the universe is going to be extinguished in the end? All meaning is arbitrary, constructed, illusory, temporary. We live, we die, how we spend the time in between doesn’t really matter at all in the grand scheme of things. My friend: fuck the grand scheme of things. The grand scheme of things does not give a fuck about you, and you really don’t have to give a fuck about the grand scheme of things. –

I had a draft of a todo list from 2015 that I’d like to preserve in some form… posted it on my archives.

2016 wordvomits overview