- 0881 — aliveness! in the spreadsheet
- 0880 – a city is a collection of stories
- 0879 – sticky chewy chocolate
- 0877 + 0878 – on “finish what you started”
- 0876 – silly lil guy
- 0875 – flourishings
- 0874 – being useful to myself
- 0873 – preamble to ‘on critics’
- 0872 – re-spec your character when necessary
- 0871 – bottleneck2: notesprawl
- 0870 – what is my writing bottleneck?
- 0869 – simcity
- 0868 – jul2024 status update pt1
- 0867 – parenting
- 0866 – retvrn to fundamentals
- 0865 – vividness
- 0864 – iOS notes cleanup
- 0863 – dialogue on essays
- 0862 – may2024 status update
- 0860 + 0861 – talk to your friends about your work
- 0859 – review to cultivate taste and feeling
- 0858 – describe very specific things
- 0857 – against notesprawl
- 0854, 0855, 0856 – essays
- 0852 + 0853 — reinvigorate, and retvrn to beauty
- 0851 – return to freestyling
- 0850 – just describe stuff bro
- 0848 + 0849 – prolificacy-induced logjam puzzle
- 0847 – gonna be a dad
- 0846 – essays are for gestalt
- 0845 – identifying as a professional author
- 0844 – new macbook
- 0843 – take care
- 0841, 0842 – write your thinking, take the scenic route
- 0838, 0839, 0840 – twitter and other cursed artifacts
- 0837 – broken telephone
- 0836 – explore vs exploit
- 0834 + 0835 – symptoms, diseases and creative funks
- 0833 – jul2023 status update
- 0832 – devastating losses for an infovore
- 0831 – escritoire
- 0829 + 0830 – snippets and drafts
- 0828 – what’s my substack for?
- 0826 + 0827 – creative finesse
- 0825 – inventory management
- 0824 – less gnashing / now what
- 0823 – resentments pt1
- 0822 – restart the engine
- 0821 – some self-help + triangulation
- 0819 + 820 – make yourself comfortable / dream of elegance
- 0818 – touch all notes
- 0817 – journalling again
- 0816 – figuring out next steps, oct 2022
- 0815 – untangling writerly goals
- 0814 – getting better at being me
- 0813 – aug22 status update
- 0811 + 0812 – scaffolding for my substack
- 0810 – turning 32
- 0809 – may 2022 status update
- 0808 – untangle competing interests (pt 1?)
- 0807 – don’t expect too much from babbling fools
- 0806: confront the minotaur pt2
- 0805: confront the minotaur pt1
- 0804 – introspect: overview
- 0803 – introspect: what does your heart want?
- 0802 – introspect: content page notes
- 0801 – introspect: deliver on the promises
- 0800 – cultivate courage
- 0799 – be honest
- 0798 – be kind
- 0797 – be playful
- 0796 – writing is what I do
- 0795 – my relationship with twitter
- 0794 – “my book is killing me”
- 0793 – checking in with the inner newsfeed
- 0792 – starting pomodoros again
- 0791 – renegotiating my relationship with rest
- 0790 – enjoy your life without bullshitting yourself
- 0789 – the invitation: stop fussing
- 0788 – vacation from twitter
- 0787 – leadership and responsibility
- 0786 – put on your old gi and get back in the arena
- 0785 – don’t linger too long in your comfort zone
- 0784 – embody the chaos school of art
- 0783 – cultivate a sense of occasion
- 0782 – the difference between video and text
- 0781 – making 100 youtube videos
- 0780 – troubleshooting nightmares + revisiting my relationship with authority
- 0779 – revisit your purpose (why are we doing this?)
- 0778 – share your work
- 0777 – journaling for myself again
- 0776 – accelerating hypermedia, pt 3: the courage to collaborate
- 0775 – accelerating hypermedia, pt 2: nerdposting
- 0774 – accelerating hypermedia, pt 1
- 0773 – transform into who you are (let go of who you used to be)
- 0772 – let your paint dance freely, and revisit any point as required
- 0771 – cleanup is never done if you don’t know what the cleanup is for
- 0770 – the surfer must be one with the ocean
- 0769 – I’m not here for accolades; I’m here to write
- 0768 – nightmares as a bottleneck
- 0767 – neediness
- 0766 – turning 29
- 0765 – what do I want? pt 1
- 0764 – identify the valuable squares on your life’s chessboard
- 0763 – memoir planning
- 0762 – going to San Francisco
- 0761 – perhaps allow the Tao to describe itself
- 0760 – life can be easy, but getting there takes a lot of work
- 0759 – make friends (pt 1)
- 0758 – tap the bricks to find the secret passageway
- 0757 – each day a project, each day a game
- 0756 – 2018dec31 status update
- 0755 – learning music, learning everything (pt 1)
- adulthood threadpost
- addiction threadpost
- sleep threadpost
- ‘review your stuff’ threadpost
- 0754 – how ask good questions? (pt 1)
- 0753 – beware the tyranny of coherence
- 0751 + 0752 – introspect: navigating authentic wants vs manufactured wants
- 0750 – accelerating the final quarter [75% complete!]
- 0748 + 0749 – pursue interestingness
- 0747 – how I make new friends on the internet
- 0746 – explore the spaces in between
- 0745 – encourage weirdos, discourage assholes
- 0744 – we stress to communicate that we’re serious
- 0743 – seeing through the mundane
- 0742 – navigating unhappiness
- 0741 – “living intentionally vs living in the stream of continuous reactions to outside inputs”
- 0740 – framing one’s life as a set of projects
- 0739 – how to live in a manufactured reality
- 0738 – playfulness as a discipline/practice
- 0737 – start interfacing with others
- 0736 – reconsidering the trauma narrative
- 0735 – tulpas and roles
- 0734 – face your tasks and schedules, with love
- 0733 – use your taste + insight to shape your concepts of your public-facing projects
- 0732 – tweeting in search of kinship
- 0731 – hating on NPCs is a shitty way to make friends
- 0730 – the world is burning, invest in your relationships
- 0729 – the $50 bet
- 0727 + 0728 – answering some Oprah FAQs
- 0726 – in pursuit of social capital (and considering status as a currency)
- 0725 – living as a blasphemy
- 0724 – introspect: work backwards from what you don’t want
- 0723 – introspect: is it bad to want things?
- 0722 – introspect: you can’t get everything you want
- 0721 – write book proposals
- 0719 + 0720 – reconceptualizing my audience
- 0718 – start a spreadsheet and fill it out (4 hours a day)
- 0717 – do short sprints that optimize for excitement
- 0716 – make sense of your tags
- 0715 – experiment with using volume over intensity
- 0714 – consider the speedrunners
- 0713 – gear up (august2018 status update)
- 0712 – review everything with love, and be decisive about what you’re trying to do
- 0711 – evaluate your freedom accurately and expand it by acting upon it
- 0710 – meet good people and have conversations that inspire you to act
- 0709 – execute the jailbreak
- 0708 – a walk through the life
- 0707 – revisit your life story to figure out a new frame
- 0706 – Clarify your goals, expect effort-shock, take concrete steps every day
- 0705 – expand your imagination as a free agent
- 0704 – honor your sadness
- 0703 – keep producing output, the followers will come
- 0702 – find out where you come from
- 0701 – what i’ve learned being away from here
- 0700 – accept where you are
- 0699 – consider your childhood fearscape
- 0698 – get back in the game, reorient, keep moving
- 0697 – become a man of your word
- 0696 – have some changes planned
- 0695 – facebook strippers and filter bubbles
- 0694 – don’t argue with idiots; pick your battles and contexts
- 0693 – avoid burnout by scheduling your breaks, uncompromisingly
- 0692 – dream bigger, recalibrate your life and walk into the dark
- 0691 – contemplate your personality traits
- 0690 – john 2
- 0689 – do reviews to measure your progress against the ceaseless sands of time
- 0688 – contemplate ‘endless’ nature of life and carefree school days
- 0687 – write to gratify yourself
- 0686 – to figure out your categories, clarify your intent
- 0685 – optimize for an interesting, emotional life
- 0684 – Dear Visa
- 0683 – if writing is important to you, write.
- 0682 – manage interruptions like you’re cooking
- 0681 – John The Rockstar
- 0680 – write what you feel like writing about
- 0679 – be mindful of the effect that people have on you
- 0678 – take responsibility for getting unstuck
- 0677 – start over again, repeatedly
- 0676 – exploit the witching hours (?!)
- 0675 – being smart vs being kind
- 0674 – commit to good sleep and good weekends
- 0673 – if the Earth weren’t a safe space we’d all be dead
- 0672 – turning 27
- 0671 – honor your taste
- 0670 – train your inner ear
- 0669 – consider the nature of deliberate practice
- 0668 – consider: tempo and time-scales of writing
- 0667 – revisit, review and re-reference your work [Final Third!]
- 0666 – consider the economics of pricelessness pt 1
- 0665 – keep going, do reviews and improve yourself
- 0664 – tidy up after yourself
- 0663 – start over again (and pay attention)
- 0662 – safe spaces are for nurturing, not coddling
- 0661 – make books a part of your life again
- 0660 – acknowledge the monkey-mind
- 0659 – make commitments to yourself and keep them
- 0657 + 0658 – identify your principles by examining your behavior patterns
- 0656 – define concrete next steps on your radar
- 0655 – cross one threshold at a time
- 0654 – do reviews regularly so you can have more fun
- 0653 – get back in the game and reorient yourself
- 0652 – write on your commutes
- 0651 – in search of lost time
- 0650 – if you’re not beating a fear, you’re hiding from it
- 0649 – beware scope creep
- 0648 – work through the discomfort
- 0647 – empty your cup and be free
- 0646 – excite yourself and spill paint everywhere, bitch
- 0645 – manage your psychology
- 0644 – be mindful of time and the little things
- 0643 – greet death at the door
- 0642 – callie’s world
- 0640 + 0641 – Calliope
- 0639 – beware articulate misdiagnoses and the illusion of knowledge
- 0638 – seek a vision greater than your imagination can hold
- 0637 – YOLO
- 0636 – the human game, pt 1
- 0635 – consider your contribution as a writer
- 0634 – strive to be sensitive, smart and strong
- 0633 – slow down when responding to people (ugh fields)
- 0632 – most people want quiet, not justice for others
- 0631 – optimize for years, not days; improve skills by learning specific new things
- 0630 – step into your ugh fields bit by bit
- 0629 – remember to go upstream
- 0628 – review your stuff hyper-regularly and do a little bit every day
- 0627 – comment your code (to convey intent, context, next steps)
- 0626 – be mindful of history and time
- 0625 – consolidate your thoughts
- 0624 – create spaces to nurture others
- 0623 – “asshole grandpa”
- 0622 – everything is incredibly fragmented and broken
- 0621 – hello 2017
- 0620 – consider Aleppo
- 0619 – focus on troubleshooting yourself
- 0618 – examples of magic adulting powers
- 0617 – systematically, deliberately improve your golf swing
- 0616 – micromanage your time
- 0615 – measure your time
- 0614 – consider Kissinger Before Sunrise
- 0613 – make 2017 the best year yet
- 0612 – consider how the world works
- 0611 – face your fears
- 0610 – disregard current affairs, focus on priorities
- 0609 – political consciousness pt 1
- 0608 – commit to reviewing your calendar
- 0607 – be sensitive to context
- 0606 – schedule and prioritize me-time (then everything else)
- 0605 – watch good documentaries and think
- 0604 – what are you afraid of?
- 0603 – the trouble is you think you have time
- 0602 – let go of your stress
- 0601 – consider the writer’s end-game
- 0599 + 0600 – learn to be violent
- 0597 + 0598 – religion
- 0596 – cherish your friends
- 0595 – tentative thoughts about gender
- 0594 – seek out the difficult conversations
- 0593 – learn from your experience
- 0592 – value your own time
- 0591 – dream a little bigger, darling
- 0590 – continuing to grapple with adulthood
- 0589 – keep on writing
- 0588 – the domestication of humans
- 0587 – begin the day with a review, not social media
- 0586 – Onwards to SG100
- 0585 – birthday reflections 2016
- 0584 – Get more out of your hours
- 0583 – be clear and honest about desired end-states
- 0582 – think strategicially about writing projects
- 0581 – July 2016
- 0580 – skip the potholes
- 0579 – have something to live for
- 0578 – develop confidence
- 0577 – make stuff you like
- 0576 – consider time wasted
- 0575 – reduce large, ambiguous problems into small, simple ones
- 0574 – turning 26
- 0573 – what would your younger self think of you?
- 0572 – how social media affects people’s engagement
- 0571 – why I ask for questions
- 0570 – a sketchy outline of childhood
- 0569 – if I ever got a tattoo
- 0568 – tripping through time on the information superhighway
- 0567 – Till the ground for the Demon-God
- 0566 – one must imagine Sisyphus LOL-ing
- 0565 – ignore the ego’s whining, the point is to act
- 0564 – modern civilization pt 3
- 0563 – modern civilization, pt 2
- 0562 – modern civilization, pt 1
- 0561 – Just Ship It
- 0560 – figure out what you care about
- 0559 – hire a competent CEO for Me, Inc
- 0558 – change your story change your frame
- 0557 – heal yourself by helping others
- 0554 + 0555 + 0556 – ‘My Education Journey’
- 0553 – self-regulate pt 1
- 0552 – shed your past selves
- 0551 – any issues?
- 0550 – a life of quiet desperation
- 0549 – write true sentences
- 0548 – go running every week for mental clarity
- 0547 – “if everyone were zombies”
- 0546 – the future of my words
- 0545 – find humor in your dark times
- 0544 – a man lives in a box
- 0543 – writing as joyful self-correspondence
- 0542 – more good than bad, please
- 0541 – forgotten gods
- 0540 – strive to break out of your box
- 0539 – end 2015
- 0538 – evaluate (and do not tolerate) your problems
- 0537 – what is going on?
- 0536 – Lemmy (This is not a practice life)
- 0535 – 2015 in review [DUPLICATE OF 0513]
- 0534 – becoming a man means accepting responsibility
- 0533 – the next steps of my writing journey
- 0532 – guilt as a signalling mechanism
- 0531 – do things for placebo purposes
- 0530 – first monthly review
- 0529 – gently calibrate your expectations
- 0528 – break things down
- 0527 – next steps for main blog
- 0526 – revise and refine your personal algorithms (they’ll set you free)
- 0525 – strive to transition from ordeal to adventure
- 0524 – acknowledge the silly “big-minded man” game
- 0523 – prioritize developing your work ethic
- 0522 – strive to do more than ‘get by’
- 0521 – next steps for writing and work
- 0520 – know what you want and go get it
- 0519 – obliterate your subconscious taskmasters
- 0518 – refactoring my personal library
- 0517 – writing for a richer experience of reality
- 0516 – hello 2016: mindset (zero to one + pursue responsibility)
- 0515 – hello 2016: goals
- 0514 – don’t build taj mahals
- 0513 – reviewing 2015
- 0512 – be a player, not a spectator
- 0511 – prioritize strength
- 0510 – eliminate information feeds that don’t serve you
- 0509 – putting my gains first
- 0508 – writing publicly again
- 0507 – what does love mean to you?
- 0506 – More Power: What can I do to raise my voltage?
- 0505 – troubleshooting stories, pt 2
- 0504 – the pebble in the shoe is worse than a rocky road
- 0503 – troubleshooting my first story
- 0502 – set aside time for scheduled personal software debugging
- 0501 – regularly revise your personal narrative and self-concept
- 0500 – I’m proud of you
- 0499 – what would Visa like to read?
- 0498 – commit to perpetually upgrading your software (Push The Big Red Button)
- 0497 – adjust the resolution of your map to suit your quest
- 0496 – identify personal baggage that needs addressing, and address it
- 0495 – 5 away from 0500 while revisiting 1 to 0050s
- 0494 – get into the arena and play to win
- 0493 – suspend judgement of low-res work, increase resolution through practice
- 0492 – nothing lived ever goes to waste if you’re mindful and kind
- 0491 – everything changes so stop holding so tight
- 0490 – mindfully avoid muscle memory
- 0489 – take memories of yourself that you like, and make them more vivid
- 0488 – getting shit done is a lot of work
- 0487 – progress is cringeborne
- 0486 – boredom is a symptom of a cluttered mind
- 0485 – the athlete must play hurt
- 0484 – use good tools (but don’t obssess endlessly about them)
- 0483 – stop fussing about Poor Little Me
- 0482 – gooey people and prickly people
- 0481 – consider glorious possibilities of new ideascapes
- 0480 – “Why do you read?”
- 0479 – revisit the Resistance
- 0478 – moving forward means letting go
- 0475 + 0476 + 0477 – How did I get here?
- 0474 – “Do you have any writing advice?”
- 0473 – strive to breathe easier
- 0472 – experiment with pretending you don’t have problems
- 0471 – strive for mastery in the artful application of force
- 0470 – to be or not to be (in one’s self-interest)
- 0469 – make the decision to grow
- 0468 – boredom is a bug of the mind
- 0467 – past-induced glitchy limbo
- 0466 – beware fuckarounditis
- 0465 – the world doesn’t need another personal development blog
- 0464 – experiment with different mediums
- 0463 – when does a boy become a man?
- 0462 – beware grandiose proclamations
- 0461 – we are all miseducated – accept it and deal with it
- 0460 – dance along to your internal compass
- 0459 – just a little tired
- 0458 – oceanic moments of being
- 0457 – the joy of working with constraints, pt 3
- 0456 – the joy of working with constraints, pt 2
- 0455 – the joy of working with constraints
- 0454 – the echochamber is the siren
- 0453 – contemplate presence and impermanence
- 0452 – strive to resolve recurring guilty dreams via meditation
- 0451 – the moral failure fixation is a red herring
- 0450 – practice taking pauses
- 0449 – How to think about categorizing blogposts
- 0448 – parents, peers and other benevolent plagues
- 0447 – Cameron
- 0446 – switching to stories
- 0445 – onward
- 0444 – Hello, World.
- 0443 – GTD, prioritization, dealing with interruptions and distractions
- 0442 – insist on prioritizing
- 0441 – peopling, and silly
- 0440 – reading old vomits (and thoughts for new ones)
- 0439 – perpetual wistfulness
- 0438 – break in case of utter desolation: a script
- 0437 – stop walking over the same old ground
- 0436 – people will always misinterpret you, so focus on earning your own self-respect
- 0435 – earn some self-respect
- 0434 – go somewhere new
- 0433 – evolving the 1000wordvomits project
- 0432 – let go of your fixations
- 0431 – your priorities are what you do, not what you say you’ll do
- 0430 – needed changes and a perfect month
- 0429 – dissatisfaction with vomits; how to fix?
- 0428 – define integrity and embody it
- 0426 + 0427 – significance requires responsibility
- 0425 – replace hyperbole with precision
- 0424 – the yin-yang nature of our inner child and parent
- 0423 – muddled time
- 0422 – reconfiguring things to become a better writer
- 0421 – beware false victory, and validation
- 0420 – intelligently power through plateaus and don’t give up
- 0419 – identify and overcome your intrinsic weaknesses
- 0418 – do periodic reviews at multiple timescales, experience the joy of reviewing
- 0417 – idea-resistance, one journey, saying no, falling off wagons
- 0416 – be precise about execution and work hard
- 0415 – how to have meaningful interactions + game mechanics in life
- 0414 – i want to host dinner parties
- 0413 – stop trying to save the world
- 0412 – on conversations again
- 0411 – writing aspirationally
- 0410 – shelves of books and nothing to read
- 0409 – emotion in writing
- 0408 – (resist the) tendency to talk in explanations
- 0407 – description of an average day
- 0406 – nobody summits a mountain by going on a random walk
- 0405 – dealing with slipping and with foggy black boxes
- 0404 – some things change, some things stay the same
- 0403 – missed a vomit
- 0402 – a yearning for deep companionship
- 0401 – consider absurdity of tapping on glass
- 0400 – liberate truths from their boxes
- 0399 – good conversations do not write novels
- 0398 – beware of digression
- 0397 – stop living life stressfully (the elephant can break free)
- 0396 – publish crap
- 0395 – procrastination as Parent vs Child breakdown
- 0394 – the problem with the motivation game
- 0393 – earn your own trust
- 0392 – life is precious
- 0391 – examples of wrong feelings
- 0390 – my feelings are often wrong and unreliable
- 0389 – get your ass up and walk that tightrope, son
- 0388 – I will write
- 0387 – knocked down but bouncing back
- 0386 – soooo sleepy
- 0385 – schedule revisions for learning through repetition
- 0384 – express your values through planned actions
- 0383 – review your principles regularly
- 0382 – wake up earlier for a different life
- 0381 – fuck fear
- 0380 – what I’m leaving behind
- 0379 – I can
- 0378 – stop describing problems without solving them
- 0377 – social groups and answers within
- 0376 – meditate and reflect to unlearn childish incompetence
- 0375 – body-wisdom and metaphorical car accidents
- 0374 – consider what’s changed and prepare for future change
- 0373 – revisiting the origin (of the word vomit project) – I want to be a better version of myself
- 0372 – no escaping the rehearsals
- 0371 – a table of my own
- 0370 – Do the loyalty missions and embody hard truths
- 0369 – skin in the game and growing up
- 0368 – ugh fields
- 0367 – history of my writing journey
- 0366 – “I was stuck but not anymore”, again
- 0365 – stuff I’d like done
- 0364 – tidy up your mental filing cabinets
- 0363 – blood sugar 1
- 0362 – latest cigarette thoughts
- 0361 – strive to play the bigger games
- 0360 – fuck feeling guilty about not appreciating life
- 0359 – one coherent picture
- 0358 – red in tooth and claw
- 0357 – actually 25
- 0356 – Less wrong and next steps
- 0355 – punch the goddamn tires
- 0354 – a day at home
- 0353 – discharge your strength, productively
- 0352 – if drunk
- 0351 – quarter of a decade
- 0350 – 3 years from now
- 0349 – ‘be dangerous’
- 0348 – clearly define your done-criteria
- 0347 – writing games
- 0346 – finish (or decisively abandon) what you start
- 0345 – my journey to becoming precise
- 0344 – wipe the slate clean and face your problems now
- 0343 – a pretty good week
- 0342 – tired, re-reading old vomits
- 0341 – avoid “I’ll do it later”
- 0340 – decide in advance + do it immediately
- 0339 – real confidence requires practice and awareness
- 0338 – identify your implicit beliefs
- 0337 – no really do it now
- 0336 – wake up do it now
- 0335 – strive for no zero days
- 0334 – procrastination pt 2
- 0333 – procrastination pt1
- 0332 – primitive map of behaviors pt 2
- 0331 – primitive map of behaviors pt1
- 0330 – beware overthinking (make decisions quicker)
- 0329 – creative destruction is necessary for progress
- 0328 – the village idiot goes to the forest
- 0327 – put the gun down
- 0326 – back on the wagon
- 0325 – sick + facebook again
- 0324 – draw bright lines and stick to them
- 0323 – beware supernormal stimuli
- 0322 – an imperfect manifesto
- 0321 – move fast and break things
- 0320 – reading is good
- 0319 – tawk is cheap
- 0318 – Romance of Late Nights
- 0317 – somewhat existential
- 0316 – thinking and talking about anger
- 0315 – what do I want to be doing?
- 0314 – writing when tired, little rubbish piles
- 0313 – tenative thoughts about content labor and process management
- 0312 – B and C
- 0311 – Introducing C
- 0310 – stop kicking up sand
- 0309 – draw an arbitrary line in the sand
- 0308 – Draw, Play, Explore
- 0307 – dealing with plateaus
- 0306 – Terrangima, The Hero and the Call To Adventure
- 0305 – 2nd workout, reflecting on overthinking
- 0304 – meta-confession
- 0303 – building up the meatbag
- 0302 – breaking out of patterns
- 0301 – gym, and how I usually get stuck
- 0300 – break free from your stale, suffocating patterns
- 0299 – let go of your guilt, shame and bad estimates
- 0298 – confront the fears that paralyze you
- 0297 – dialogue
- 0296 – procrastination equation– expectancy and value
- 0295 – forgive your inner criminal
- 0294 – believe that you can become a responsible person
- 0293 – get better at estimating (start small)
- 0292 – the way to do it is piecemeal: learn one new song at a time
- 0291 – my lacklustre relationship with poker
- 0290 – what makes a good video game?
- 0289 – what to do if you’re stuck in the Singaporean education system and you hate it
- 0288 – a letter to JC retainees
- 0287 – Change the lights
- 0286 – don’t want to be frustrated
- 0285 – can I use a Hero’s Journey narrative like Conan’s or Iron Man’s to motivate myself?
- 0284 – the Internet and the Resistance
- 0283 – narratives, weirdness, imperfections
- 0282 – make your plans together with your inner child
- 0281 – zoom out to see how you’re blocking yourself
- 0280 – pleasant vs unpleasant, matter of perspective
- 0279 – win yourself over
- 0278 – parent yourself
- 0277 – adulthood is about learning to parent yourself
- 0276 – listen to yourself
- 0275 – to GTD u have to know what u want
- 0274 – claw out of delusion
- 0273 – ask yourself questions about what’s holding you back, and answer them honestly
- 0272 – let go of cheap validation, do hard things instead
- 0270 + 0271 – Glossary of Stuff I Talk About v1.0
- 0269 – leave your comfort zone regularly (lectured to SMU students)
- 0268 – see through the circus and focus on the fundamentals
- 0267 – be humble in the face of environments
- 0266 – beware the dark playground
- 0265 – games that help with time and money
- 0264 – cultivate different perspectives (by moving yourself)
- 0263 – search beyond the streetlights
- 0262 – Megaman X and how we teach ourselves
- 0261 – Solve For Adoption (Consider Esperanto)
- 0260 – moments out of time
- 0259 – beware of insight porn
- 0258 – entirely within my control
- 0257 – books, trains and people
- 0256 – commit to personal daily sitdowns
- 0255 – fail forward
- 0254 – old friends, denying and embracing the now
- 0253 – repeat yourself as much as you have to; just keep moving
- 0252 – mood music and limiting beliefs
- 0251 – practice meditation regularly
- 0250 – two hundred and fifty thousand
- 0249 – take slow walks
- 0248 – develop productive rituals
- 0247 – reminder to confront limiting beliefs
- 0246 – reminder to focus on fundamentals after the feels
- 0245 – reminder that greatness is goddamn hard
- 0244 – reminder that writing is therapy
- 0243 – unwell
- 0242 – all conversations are plagued by silent evidence and underrepresentation
- 0241 – Revisiting “on purpose”, from 2009
- 0240 – destroy your limiting beliefs about food
- 0239 – keep working on your EQ
- 0238 – Strive to be resourceful
- 0237 – Correct Misperceptions + Asymmetrical Warfare
- 0236 – Identify when you’re vague and be precise instead
- 0235 – questions that arise pt 2
- 0234 – answering questions that arise
- 0233 – improving my environment
- 0232 – use stories as a thinking tool
- 0231 – don’t be an eagle in a cage
- 0230 – clearly articulate your mistakes and successes to accelerate jailbreak
- 0229 – regular sync-ups, and the bleeding over of best practices
- 0228 – getting back into the groove of Heavy Reading
- 0227 – ethical self-focus, a declaration
- 0226 – re-reading landsburg: consider the value of useful thought experiments
- 0225 – auditing myself + what to read next
- 0224 – win the person, not the argument
- 0223 – identify your workflow processes
- 0222 – Never be mean
- 0221 – chip away at the boulder on your shoulder
- 0220 – strive for the company of immortals
- 0219 – letter to a young smoker
- 0218 – a break from being so goddamn public facing all the time
- 0217 – frustration and writing
- 0216 – find a reason to be (smartly) mad
- 0215 – why do I not sleep better?
- 0214 – destroy the boxes
- 0213 – freedom requires violence
- 0212 – Bullshit breaks down at the boundaries
- 0211 – reflecting on why
- 0210 – after the unfriending
- 0209 – repeatedly revisit what you know
- 0208 – earn your keep
- 0207 – a restful day + somewhere new now
- 0206 – fuck it just do it
- 0205 – reflect on recurring dreams and pay attention to yourself
- 0204 – fixing anxiety, pausing and changing environments
- 0203 – be mindful (don’t be sloppy like in grand theft auto)
- 0202 – smoking cessation and ten minute pomodoros
- 0201 – breathe
- 0200 – cold wistful rainy day
- 0199 – set precise goals to measure your progress towards self-mastery
- 0198 – progressing recursively
- 0197 – 4 parts to procrastination
- 0196 – go go go
- 0195 – strive to globally-maximize your enjoyment of life
- 0194 – mvp model of personal development
- 0193 – prioritize ruthlessly and follow through
- 0192 – “You’re only cheating yourself”
- 0191 – I Unfriended Everybody
- 0190 – awakening to inner richness
- 0188 + 0189 – the kind of person who insists that shit gets done
- 0187 – Reading Dostoyevsky and repeating myself
- 0186 – A list of “What I’ve Learnt”s, part 2
- 0185 – A list of “What I’ve Learnt”s
- 0184 – What moves me? I want to find and empower the others
- 0183 – Everything is a remix + checkpoints and milestones
- 0182 – I will probably work on procrastination and productivity problems
- 0181 – Writing Wet And Dry
- 0180 – Hold me back, else I’ll… do something!
- 0179 – Why can we sometimes change our habits, and sometimes not?
- 0178 – lean / mvp approach to developing a proper breakfast routine
- 0177 – Why bother doing your work when the universe is going to be extinguished in the end?
- 0176 – the state of my vomits represents my life quite well
- 0175 – Behavioral change is about seeking new equilibrium states, and progress isn’t pretty
- 0174 – I have limited amounts of conscious attention + assume I’m smarter than I am
- 0173 – New Lens Become New Blinders
- 0172 – few people seem to write good book reviews
- 0171 – fundamentals, small changes, fixing laziness
- 0170 – question assumptions; what got you here won’t get you there
- 0169 – Marketing, 7 Sins
- 0168 – The Patient Saboteur + Questions for Singapore
- 0167 – Reading Under The Desk + Groups are scary
- 0166 – Pullups at the playground
- 0165 – read what you love and teach people to fish
- 0164 – Recognizing Naivete, and #welcometothecircus
- 0163 – Turning 24, my problems have not changed
- 0162 – Identify your wants and utility functions
- 0161 – Overstimulated
- 0160 – motivation is whatever gets you moving
- 0159 – morning run with the wife
- 0158 – Why do anything? The Disneyland Analogy
- 0157 – Reboot (April)
- 0156 – When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit + ADHD
- 0155 – write to solve your own problems
- 0154 – We Need To Talk About A
- 0153 – I highly recommend watching Boyhood, the Richard Linklater movie
- 0152 – Letter To A Young Songwriter
- 0150 + 0151 – Restatement of Purpose
- 0149 – Channel your fury constructively; become stronger because of it
- 0148 – becoming a better writer
- 0147 – if it works, do you accelerate it?
- 0146 – a utilitarian approach to social media
- 0145 – becoming less skinny will require small, unsexy changes over a long period of time
- 0144 – reading in the mornings and the joy of decluttering
- 0143 – question your assumptions about how life should be lived
- 0142 – Arbitrary configurations of reality
- 0141 – Pick the right narratives
- 0140 – ADHD pt 2
- 0139 – ADHD
- 0138 – Identify what makes YOU happy
- 0137 – make time for Life
- 0136 – quality conversations, questions and thoughtfulness
- 0135 – strive to go from 20% to 25%
- 0134 – address your anger and jealousy
- 0133 – Which Singapore?
- 0131 + 0132 – figure out what you feel most strongly about and lean into that (Tesla, LKY)
- 0130 – two thirty am
- 0129 – consider the future of education
- 0128 – 2013 in summary
- 0127 – not enjoying games
- 0126B – kill the saboteur
- 0126 – deactivate / large number illiteracy
- 0125 – consider the self as a state
- 0124 – Stop living in the past
- 0123 – laziness as work aversion
- 0122 – whenever i stop smoking
- 0121 – a bird in the hand is worth a flock in the sky
- 0120 – build self-control like building a company
- 0119 – unclogged, future direction
- 0118 – What I’ve learnt from writing over 120,000+ words.
- 0117 – I want to experiment with sleeping earlier
- 0116 – writer’s “block”
- 0115 – how to write for a living
- 0114 – life should be exciting, and we should see it
- 0113 – If I can become a smoker, I can build other habits, too
- 0112 – I systematically overestimate what I can accomplish
- 0111 – how does change happen? activation energy hypothesis
- 0110 – life should be interesting + boring task mgmt stuff
- 0109 – Manufactured Context + commit to flow, and interestingness
- 0108 – future as escapism
- 0107 – learning to focus is at the heart of learning anything else
- 0106 – consider the pointlessness of argument
- 0105 – be aware of your addictions and dependencies
- 0104 – manage your information diet and lethargy
- 0103 – The sneaky procrastinator waits patiently for The Slip
- 0102 – Mean Girls, a tentative/preliminary analysis
- 0101 – 14 days later (update from the light-fires-not-fill-buckets guy)
- 0100B – protect your inner child from smoking and abusive relationships
- 0100 – quitting an addiction is like leaving an abusive relationship
- 0099 – education and identity, school is obsolete rah rah
- 0098 – everything we do is to feel good
- 0097 – use condensed terms to simplify your thinking
- 0096 – identity creation and narratives
- 0095 – more on gamification, relationships
- 0094 – games aren’t just games
- 0093 – transitioning to adulthood, maladjustment
- 0092 – what it’s like to get better at playing games (eg pacman)
- 0091 – blog history and cultivation
- 0090 – firelighting, aphorisms, unknowns, free-roam, shackle-free slavery
- 0089 – starting beeminder
- 0088 – break up with the saboteur-bum in your head
- 0087 – productivity apps fill buckets when they should be lighting fires
- 0086 – memories of reading, procrastination, facebook, smoking
- 0085 – Keep the psychologically-insulated parasite at bay
- 0084 – remember the anguish of being unproductive
- 0083 – avoid talking over people, ask questions and listen instead
- 0082 – pathfind your way to what you want
- 0081 – evaluate and improve your publishing configuration(s)
- 0080 – be mindful of your age and the passage of time
- 0079 – I used to be a tedious writer who digressed too much
- 0078 – become a happy healthy entrepreneur
- 0077 – we can get better at talking about sex
- 0076 – most people are full of shit including me
- 0075 – sleepy and unfocused
- 0074 – stop sharpening the axe
- 0073 – strive to transcend local optimums
- 0072 – don’t break the chain
- 0071 – manage your energy by focusing on small tasks
- 0070 – social media and me (and games and addiction)
- 0069 – navigate by excitement
- 0068 – beyond Singapore
- 0067 – how to help my self-destructive younger self?
- 0066 – starting over, reflections on procrastination
- 0065 – marketing is the communication of value
- 0064 – making music/art sustainably in singapore
- 0063 – good questions and referral marketing
- 0062 – Facebook fatigue
- 0061 – structured routines can be good if you design them for yourself
- 0060 – what is a blog for? it’s an exocortex, a superstructure for the mind
- 0059 – Waking Early
- 0058 – Monotasking
- 0057 – Stop feeding the trolls
- 0056 – rip you out of my skull
- 0055 – define your habits and improve them
- 0054 – the future of ecommerce is exciting
- 0053 – we rarely love people
- 0052 – should you motivate yourself by comparing yourself with others?
- 0051 – strive to appreciate and embody happiness
- 0050 – pursue flow
- 0049 – “I didn’t do well because I didn’t study”
- 0048 – brain reality and starting from scratch (jailbreak!)
- 0047 – Consider businesses and corporations, schools and social life
- 0046 – being a fucking human being
- 0045 – pick the smallest problem and annihilate it
- 0044 – just wing it
- 0043 – Life is theatre, writing for self
- 0042 – define your dreams
- 0041- Consider procrastination, and your inability to focus
- 0040 – how can I best serve others? by writing
- 0039 – smartphone
- 0038 – back on track
- 0037 – changing circumstances (first day of work)
- 0036 – strive to be thoughtful and compassionate
- 0035 – HDB
- 0034 – waking early
- 0033 – I’ve had the same frustrations for a very long time
- 0032 – “Safety” + Modifying Behaviour + Desire Paths
- 0031 – identify limiting thoughts + avoid excessive safety
- 0030 – early morning + urban legends
- 0029 – strive to maximize flow
- 0028 – the 25%
- 0027 – missed a day
- 0026 – meeting older friends + singapore/overview effect
- 0025 – dreams are strange, culture might be stranger
- 0024 – Identify procrastination as pain-avoidance, and lean into the pain
- 0023 – Quora + Naam Ras + Jamming
- 0022 – conscious constraints can help guard against meandering aimlessness
- 0021 – let go of your judgement of others
- 0020 – Remembering Amanat, learning from good logistics and speaking Tamil
- 0019 – expand your scale of influence
- 0018 – internet addiction and an early night
- 0017 – when you’re sloppy, straighten up
- 0016 – identify what you’re repressing and express that with art
- 0015 – sleep early and stop smoking
- 0014 – protect others from needless shame
- 0013 – I want to make beautiful web experiences for others
- 0012 – talk is cheap, fear is inhibitive. acknowledge your fears, face them, GTD
- 0011 – I want to travel
- 0010 – remember that life is preparation for death
- 0009 – add smart things to your environment to shape your behavior positively
- 0008 – waking up early gives you more options
- 0007 – there’s a gap in the market for sincere, non-pretentious writing
- 0006 – Extract signals from the recurring ideas and experiences of your life
- 0005 – The SAF should use its inspiring people in its marketing campaigns
- 0004 – Pursue and embody mastery, like Wilbur Wright
- 0003 – practice deliberate discipline to become a better writer
- 0002 – I enjoy late night conversations and unedited writing
- 0001 – learn to be productive by examining video game principles
- minus-1 ramblings for progress