0159 – morning run with the wife
TLDR: good things: waking early / eating breakfast / running / knowing your desired end-state (doesn’t need to be perfe
0158 – Why do anything? The Disneyland Analogy
Wrote this a few weeks ago, just finished it up. I think one of the simplest and deepest dilemmas that everybody needs to reso
0157 – Reboot (April)
This post was written in April but incomplete, unfinished and unpublished. I haven’t done a proper word vomit in over a
0156 – When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit + ADHD
When I was a young boy- I’m not sure if I was in primary school or secondary school, I read a book called When Hitler Stole
0155 – write to solve your own problems
A blog is a thinking tool. Anytime you write your thoughts anywhere, you’re forced to make your thoughts more precise. T
0154 – We Need To Talk About A
Improving yourself and your life, getting shit done, becoming a more optimal person, all of those things can be described in v